
What Happens After the Joseki?

by Anders Kierulf


Given a corner or full-board position, SmartGo Kifu will go through its collection of 76,000 games and find all matching positions, and show you what professional players play next. New in SmartGo Kifu 3.2: see the list of matching games so you can explore how those games develop from there. (Just tap on the joseki statistics to see the matching games.)

Also in this version:

  • New mode to match joseki in the corner with the most recent move.
  • The game info button has been removed; just tap on the title (with a little i next to it) to see the game info.
  • Book view has moved to the action menu. (This function has moved around a lot, but I think it has finally found a good home.)

Program help has also been improved, so I recommend actually taking a look at it. You know that you can hold and then drag to correct the most recent move? That you can see a professional player’s biography by tapping on the player name? It’s all in there.