
SmartGo for Windows: More games, lower price

by Anders Kierulf


More games

The game collection for the Windows version of SmartGo has been updated to include 50,744 professional games, with games played as recently as March 2010. You can download the newest version here:

Just replace the existing smartgo.sgd in your SmartGo installation with this new file. Enjoy!

Lower price

At the same time, we’re lowering the price of SmartGo for Windows from $69 to $49. We hope this will encourage more of our iPhone and iPad customers to upgrade to our flagship product.

We also want to make clear that:

  • Upgrades to the next major version of SmartGo for Windows will be free for existing users.
  • Licenses for the Windows version will also work for the future Macintosh version.

However, the iPad has definitely impacted the schedule for the Mac version as well as future Windows versions, and we won’t make any promises for even rough dates for these products at this point.