
Keyboard Navigation

by Anders Kierulf


SmartGo Kifu 3.1.1 adds a long-requested feature: Navigating the move tree using a Bluetooth keyboard. With Apple adding support for UIKeyCommand in iOS 7, I can finally implement that feature in a clean way.

The following keyboard commands are currently implemented (iOS 7 only):

  • left/right arrow: Previous/next move.
  • up/down arrow: Previous/next sibling.
  • command + left/right arrow: Previous/next branch.
  • command + up arrow: Back to main line.
  • control + left arrow: Start of game.
  • control + right arrow: End of current line.
  • control + command + right arrow: End of main line.
  • space: Turn on/off auto-play.
  • escape: Switch between replaying moves and editing comment.

Please let me know how this works for you, and whether there are other keyboard commands that would streamline your workflow.