PLEASE NOTE: SmartGo for Windows has not been getting frequent updates for the last years, as my focus is on the iOS and Mac versions. Given that reality, I’ve reduced the price from $39 to $19. SmartGo for Windows may still get updates, but no promises; please evaluate and buy it for what it is and can do today. More details in this blog post. – Anders Kierulf, December 3, 2020

同SmartGo对弈并建一个自己的棋谱库, 设置不同的标签, 例如比赛对局, 其他对局。




SmartGo带有 2000多道不同程度的死活题,做死活和手筋题是提高的捷径。
下载并试用15天。 我们相信你会为Smartgo强大功能的深度和广度所震撼。其高品质和用户界面设计均非其他围棋软件所能及。
帮助: 查看SmartGo的具体功能。
你仍在积极开发 Windows 上运行的 SmartGo 吗?
没有,抱歉。我当前专注于开发 iPhone, iPad, 和 Mac 上运行的 SmartGo,以及 Go Books 项目。请在评估 Windows 版本的 SmartGo 时考虑这一点,如果它的现状能满足您的目的,那就太棒了。
How do I get the newest game collection?
If you’re running the newest version but not seeing the newest GoGoD game collection: (1) Tap on the Library tab. (2) Choose File > Close (this may take several minutes). (3) Choose File > Open, and open ‘smartgo.sgd’ from the folder where you installed the newest version of SmartGo. (This will also take several minutes.)
为什么我需要在 15 天后激活本软件?
我们为您提供 15 天试用期,您可以试用本软件的全部功能。一旦您决定您下围棋需要 SmartGo,您可以购买序列号来激活 SmartGo。
Can I install SmartGo on multiple machines?
Yes, you can install SmartGo on all your computers: desktop, laptop, and office. You need to activate SmartGo separately on each computer.
Where are the games and problems stored?
The professional game collection is stored in a file called SmartGo.sgd, the problem collection in SmartGo.prb. Both files are installed in the same folder as SmartGo.exe. You can choose View > Panes > Files to see the list of files in the Library or Problems tab. Right-click on the header of the file list to add a column to see the File Path.