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User Manual

The user manual for SmartGo One has a lot of details and useful information. You can find it in the SmartGo One app under Books > Tutorial & Help > SmartGo One User Manual.

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  • iPhone & iPad
  • Windows
  • I recently bought SmartGo Kifu – can I upgrade to SmartGo One?

    If you bought SmartGo Kifu in 2021 or 2022, please send me your receipt, and I’ll get you an extended free trial of SmartGo One.

  • How do I transfer my games from SmartGo Kifu to SmartGo One?

    In SmartGo Kifu, go to My Games, then tap on Edit (top right), Select All (top left), then Email (bottom), and send that single SGF file containing all your games to yourself. Open SmartGo One, go to My Files, tap on + at the top, then New Folder. Name it something like 'From Kifu', and tap to go into that folder. Then open that email, long press on the attachment, choose Share, and tap on SmartGo One. That should add all those games in the currently open folder.

  • The back button sometimes disappears on iPad in portrait view

    This is a bug I'm working on. Two workarounds if this happens to you: (1) Rotate the iPad to landscape, then back to portrait. (2) Swipe from the left edge at the top navigation bar to reveal the rest of the app.

  • Redeem Code in Upgrade to Pro not working

    This is a bug in iOS 15.4 and 15.4.1. To work around it, if you have a code, use the following link instead, replacing CODE with your code:

  • Is there a lifetime subscription in SmartGo One?

    I understand some people prefer a single payment over subscriptions. SmartGo One doesn’t offer that, and there are currently no plans to add that option.

  • Comment modifier un coup?

    Appuyez et maintenez la position sur le dernier coup, puis déplacez-le. Pour revenir à un coup joué précédemment, appuyez et maintenez la position sur la pierre correspondante et choisissez "Aller au Coup".

  • SmartGo sur d'autres appareils mobiles?

    Nous n'avons pas l'intention de transposer SmartGo sur d'autres appareils mobiles comme Android ou Windows. Il reste encore tellement de choses à ajouter et à améliorer sur les versions pour iPad et iPhone.

  • Est-ce que SmartGo pour Windows est encore développé activement ?

    Non, désolé. Je me concentre actuellement sur SmartGo pour iPhone, iPad, et Mac, ainsi que sur le projet Go Books. Merci d'évaluer SmartGo pour Windows en gardant cela à l'esprit, et si cela fonctionne pour votre utilisation, c'est formidable.

  • How do I get the newest game collection?

    If you’re running the newest version but not seeing the newest GoGoD game collection: (1) Tap on the Library tab. (2) Choose File > Close (this may take several minutes). (3) Choose File > Open, and open ‘smartgo.sgd’ from the folder where you installed the newest version of SmartGo. (This will also take several minutes.)

  • Pourquoi dois-je activer le logiciel après 15 jours ?

    Nous vous offrons une période d'essai de 15 jours pour que vous puissiez essayer toutes les fonctions du logiciel. Une fois que votre jeu à besoin de SmartGo, vous achetez le numéro de série pour activer SmartGo.

  • Can I install SmartGo on multiple machines?

    Yes, you can install SmartGo on all your computers: desktop, laptop, and office. You need to activate SmartGo separately on each computer.

  • Where are the games and problems stored?

    The professional game collection is stored in a file called SmartGo.sgd, the problem collection in SmartGo.prb. Both files are installed in the same folder as SmartGo.exe. You can choose View > Panes > Files to see the list of files in the Library or Problems tab. Right-click on the header of the file list to add a column to see the File Path.