SmartGo pour Mac

This version of SmartGo for Mac is available as a free download. Please enjoy and use it as is, no more updates are expected. You can read more about it in this blog post.

The Mac version of SmartGo One is in the works. No ETA yet. Meanwhile, enjoy this older version.

Many thanks to GoGoD and for letting me make the app free while keeping their game and problem collection in the app. Please support them directly at and

Note that Go Books for Mac is another free app for the Mac. Of course it lets you read books about Go, but it's also very useful for converting SGF to diagrams.

State of the App

SmartGo pour Mac

The app is doing a lot of things reasonably well, e.g. replaying and annotating games, joseki and fuseki matching, finding and replaying pro games, and solving problems. Other features like playing against GTP engines are working but buggy. And some key features are simply missing: editing game info, preferences, find, and problem statistics.